Award Management

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Award Management

These eRA modules provide the ability for funding agencies to perform the administrative review before issuing grant awards; calculate and check the appropriate amounts for all aspects of a grant award; define the terms and conditions that can be applied to the grants they administer; and request holds on grant records that they do not want archived.

eRA Module: Grants Management (GM)

The Grants Management module enables the funding agency to document the administrative review in conjunction with issuing grant awards. It also provides multiple functions related to issuing awards including workload management tools, checks and balances to verify data integrity, and the ability to assign grants to grants management or program staff for individual records.

eRA Module: Grants Management Workbooks (GM Workbook)

The GM Workbook is a set of standardized Excel workbooks used by the grants management community for calculating and validating the appropriate amounts for all aspects of a grant award. The big plus of the GM Workbook is that it will prepopulate data for requested dollars from the grant applications, thereby reducing the administrative burden for the grants management community.

eRA Module: Terms and Conditions Module (TCM)

The Terms and Conditions Module (TCM) provides partner agencies the ability to define and manage structured terms and conditions (or milestones) that can be applied to the grants they administer and to track due dates and grantee document submissions for the terms that require follow-up.

eRA Module: Alert Module

The Alert Module allows funding agency users to create, enter and manage alerts associated with the agency’s grants. These alerts may affect special award terms, require a hold placed on an award, or be purely informational in nature.

eRA Module: Pay Plan

The Pay Plan module helps partner agencies plan out a critical aspect in the grants cycle—the grant applications they are going to fund. The module is a management tool that eases the approval coordination for budget, program, and grants management communities as well as agency or Institute/Center (IC) leadership, by streamlining and automating many of the pay plan authorization steps.

eRA Module: Checklist Management

Checklist provides grants management and program staff a tool for reviewing and entering assurances and administrative prerequisites that require approval in accordance with the general terms and conditions of award. The content of a grant application’s checklist, based on the Institute/Center (IC) or agency, activity code, grant type, and multiple other indicators (such as the presence of human and animal subjects) is customized for grants management and program, by Agency. Checklist content can also be IC or agency specific.

eRA Module: Grant Folder

Grant Folder is a shared interface among several eRA modules and serves as the main portal to view official grants-related documents for grant applications.

eRA Module: Subproject Management System (SMS)

The Subproject Management System (SMS) module is used to view, create, update, delete, and import subproject records associated with a parent grant, depending on the user's privileges. It can be accessed from the Grants Management (GM), Institute and Center Operations (ICO), Program Management Module (PMM), and Peer Review (REV) modules.

eRA Module: Archive Exclusion System (AES)

The Archive Exclusion System (AES) allows users to apply record holds to grants and grant applications to keep them out of permanent storage, even after aging criteria is met.

eRA Module: Payback

The Payback Activities (PA) module supports the administration of payback requirements for the Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards (NRSA).


These eRA modules allow program staff to manage portfolios of grants and the end-to-end grant lifecycle; provide the ability to assign applications within an individual institute to program staff following the referral of the application to different institutes; allow an agency to accurately track and report their investments in research involving collaborations in foreign countries.

eRA Module: Program Management Module (PMM)

The Program Management Module (PMM) is designed for program officials (PO) and program analysts to manage portfolios and the end-to end grant lifecycle.

eRA Module: Foreign Award and Component Tracking System (FACTS)

FACTS is designed to meet NIH's need to accurately track and report NIH investments in research (grants and contracts) involving collaborations in foreign countries. FACTS is also used to process these requests for foreign collaborations that require State Department clearance.

eRA Module: Real Time Meeting Status (RTMS)

The Real Time Meeting Status (RTMS) module allows program officials (POs) to track the discussion status of grant applications and grants in their portfolio at review meetings in real time, as well as grants they track through the Program Management Module (PMM). The RTMS module is available in both mobile and desktop versions, giving program officials information on the go.