Submit Just-in-Time

Information for signing officials on how to provide Just-in-Time information that is requested by the awarding agency after review and before award. 

The Just-in-Time feature of eRA Commons allows a signing official to electronically submit additional award application information that is requested by the awarding agency after the completion of the peer review, and prior to funding. This includes information on Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval of the use of human subjects, verification of Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee’s (IACUC's) approval of the proposed use of live vertebrate animals, etc.

For all applications, the eRA Commons Just-in-Time link will appear on the Status screen within 24 hours after the impact score has been released. Additionally, the awarding agency emails a specific request for information if JIT information is needed. Applicants should not submit any Just-in-Time information until a specific request for information is received via email from awarding agency.

The automated JIT emails for all applications with overall impact score of 30 or less was retired on October 1, 2024; see Retirement of NIH’s Automated Just-in-Time Email Notification.

Accessing Status*

Once logged in to eRA Commons, click on Status on the landing page, or click on the Main menu at the upper left corner of the screen and select Status from the drop-down menu. See Figures 1 and 2. 

Figure 1: The Status button on the eRA Commons landing page

Figure 1: The Status button on the eRA Commons landing page


Figure 2: Accessing Status from the Main menu

Figure 2: Accessing Status from the Main menu

Basic Tasks (step-by-step instructions from the online help)*

* You must be logged into eRA Commons with appropriate role(s) to complete these activities. 

Main Screenshots

Figure 3: Signing official’s Status Result screen showing Just-in-Time (JIT) links

Figure 3: Signing official’s Status Result screen showing Just-in-Time (JIT) link


Figure 4: The Just-in-Time information submission form

Figure 4: The Just-in-Time information submission form

Additional Resources
