Access Application, Meeting Materials and Critique Templates

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SROs or meeting administrators can use the Meeting Materials screens to upload critiques or evaluation forms and link them to the proposals in the meeting. As an additional benefit, reviewers can download all their critiques or evaluation forms in a single ZIP file. The files will automatically be named to match the reviewer’s assignments. And coming soon, reviewers will be able to provide their written feedback in a new online critique system. This system provides funding announcement specific information and allows reviewers to submit their feedback in an iterative way.

eRA Module: Internet Assisted Review (IAR) - via eRA Commons

The Internet Assisted Review (IAR) Module is a system to support the review of grant applications and proposals. It provides a secure environment for reviewers to view applications, provide written feedback, and scores. The system provides additional features for scientific review officers or meeting administrators to upload meeting materials to assist in the review of the applications or proposals.

Reviewers access meeting materials related to the review meeting on the Meeting Materials screen in IAR, viewing materials as a list or as a downloadable ZIP file.

After certifying the confidentiality statement, reviewers can log in to IAR and access their applications from the List of All Applications screen.

Reviewers can locate critique templates in IAR for the purpose of entering review comments.