eRA TAGGS Service: Helping HHS Operating Divisions Comply With The Data Act

To ensure public transparency in government spending, all 11 operating divisions (OpDIVs) of HHS and staff divisions of the Office of the Secretary must report grant data information on a regular basis to HHS’s Tracking Accountability in Government Grants System (TAGGS) database. This information is then reflected on

eRA’s TAGGS service provides the capability of reporting grant award information for NIH and eRA’s HHS partners to the HHS TAGGS, the HHS feeder system to consolidate and generate data for reporting to USASpending on behalf of HHS.  This data is reported 3 times a week to HHS TAGGS.

This service from eRA enables HHS OpDiVs to comply with the reporting requirements of the DATA Act and the FFATA Act. Through all phases of the grants management lifecycle, eRA collects the data required for DATA Act reporting and makes that available to our partner agencies in HHS before submission to HHS TAGGS and ultimately

Note that for non-HHS agencies, eRA can collect the data needed for agencies to comply with the DATA Act. The non-HHS agencies will then be able to take that data and report it to using their own process.