Closeout—Final Research Performance Progress Report for NON-NIH Awards

Consult with the awarding agency for policy guidance on Final Research Performance Progress Reports (RPPRs).

  • The H. Budget form is not applicable for Final RPPRs.

  • The I. Outcomes form is applicable only for Final RPPRs.

  • The F. Changes form is not applicable for Final RPPRs.

Submit Your Final RPPR

  1. Log into eRA Commons as an SO or a PI and access the Closeout Status screen. To access the Closeout Status screen, see Accessing the Closeout Screen (SO and PI).
  2. Click the Process Final RPPR button in Closeout Status.

Closeout Status sceen showing the Process Final RPPR button, outlined

The RPPR Menu screen appears.

If the Final RPPR has already been initiated, then no Initiate button appears and you should skip the next step.

  1. If an Initiate button appears on this screen, click the Initiate button to create the Final RPPR.

RPPR Menu screen, showing the Initiate button outlined

After the Final RPPR has been initiated, you see a three-dot ellipsis icon next to the Award Number, where you can access RPPR actions.

RPPR Menu screen after RPPR has been initiated, showing the three-dot ellipsis menu with the Edit RPPR action

  1. Select Edit RPPR from the three-dot ellipsis menu, fill out the RPPR, and Submit it (only SOs can submit). For more details on filling out the RPPR, see Editing the RPPR Forms.