Direct Delegations

Some Commons users can delegate authority directly to another Commons user so that user can access features in Commons (such as RPPR). Some users can also grant authority to another Commons user to access features of their own account (such as Personal Profile).

Agency-Specific Instructions: Department of Commerce. Delegations cannot be used for DOC awards.

Depending on the type of Commons user granting the authority and the type of user being granted authority, delegation could occur for the following:

  • Delegate Progress Report authority

    A PI can delegate their Progress Report authority to any active user within the same institution.

  • Delegate Status authority

    A PI can grant someone with an ASST role the authority to work with the Commons Status feature by delegating Status authority.

  • Delegate PPF authority

    Any active Commons user can grant another active user the ability to enter their Personal Profile by delegating PPF authority.  

  • Delegate xTrain authority

    A PI can grant an ASST the ability to work with xTrain by delegating xTrain authority.

  • Delegate SPONSOR authority

    A sponsor can grant an ASST the ability to work with xTrain by delegating SPONSOR authority.