How Does a PI Track Submission Status?

The designated Contact PD/PI can view status information relating to newly submitted applications during the "viewing window" (the first two business days after submission up to the submission deadline).

After the deadline, any applications which remains in the Pending status will also be visible.

NOTE: A PI can grant a Commons user with the ASST role to access the Status module. ASST users granted this authority can view the status results as the PI would, however, the ASST user does not have access to the links found in the Action column. See Direct Delegations for information on delegating Status.

Steps to access status information:

  1. Log in to eRA Commons with your principal investigator (PI) account username and password.
  2. Navigate to the Status module and then expand the "Recent/Pending eSubmissions" search option by clicking its heading or arrow.

screenshot of initial search options for recent/pending applications for PI

  1. ClosedThe next screen displays the search results.
Recent/Pending search results for PI

To return to the main Status screen, click the Return to PI Search link at the top of the page.

The following information is included in the table: Tracking #

This is the number assigned when the application was submitted electronically to

Application/Award ID

A unique value assigned to applications before an NIH grant number is assigned

eSubmission Status

This shows the status of approval for the application.

Proposal Title

This is the project name submitted on the application.

NOTE: In the Proposal Title field, the designation of NFP (no further processing) is added to the application title to indicate that the application will not be referred for review.

PD/PI Name

This is the Contact PI on the application.

eSubmission Status Date

This is the date of the latest status update.

Show All Prior Errors

Clicking Show Errors and Warnings opens the Errors/Warnings for Prior Failed eSubmissions screen and displays any errors or warnings received for the application during eSubmission.

For the purposes of eSubmission tracking, perform the following from the search results:

  1. Check the eSubmission Status column to determine if your application status is “eSubmission Error” or “Pending Verification” or "Rejected".

    NOTE: Errors will stop the submission process and require a change/corrected application but warnings will not. It is still critical to check the warning messages to ensure that the issue referenced does not apply to your application.

  2. Use one of the two following methods to view the error messages and warnings.
    • To view error messages and warnings, click the Show Errors and Warnings button from the Show All Prior Errors column to the right.
    • Method 2: If status is "Pending Verification", select the Accession Number (AN:#######) displayed in the Application/Award ID column to open the Status Information page. Submission errors or warnings are displayed at the top of the Status Information page during the two day review period before the submission deadline. Refer to Status Information for more information on this screen.