Administrative Supplements
Clicking the Administrative Supplement(s) link from the Other Relevant Documents section of Status Information opens the Administrative Supplements screen. This screen provides read-only access to administrative supplements created for the particular grant.
Administrative Supplements are requests for (or the award of) additional funds during a current project period to provide for an increase in costs due to unforeseen circumstances.
Below this section, you can find information specific to the administrative supplements, displayed in a table format.
The table includes the following columns of information:
- Identifying information
Displays the grant number as a link, which opens the Administrative Supplement Request PDF.
- Accession Number. A unique value assigned to applications before an NIH grant number is assigned
- Supplement Status
- Submitted Date
- Comments for Grantee
Clicking the Administrative Supplement History link from the Other Relevant Documents section of Status Information opens the Administrative Supplement History screen. This screen provides read-only history of administrative supplements created for the particular grant.