Student Detail (New Application)

Use the Expand button Expand button next to each section of the Participating Student Detail to display it. The Open All Sections link reveals all collapsed sections at once.

Student Detail

Each section provides a means for viewing or editing the information. Refer to the steps below.

Student Data

Use the Expand button Expand button next to each section of the Participating Student Detail to display it. The Open All Sections link reveals all collapsed sections at once.

Student Detail

Student Detail

Each section provides a means for viewing or editing the information. Refer to the steps below.

Participating Student Details

The Participating Student Details panel displays the following read-only information:

  • Commons User ID or Person ID
  • Email
  • In Training?
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Research Topic

Use the Edit button to open the fields in a pop-up for editing.

  • In Training
  • Type
  • Research Topic
  • Start Date
    • Into Current Degree-Granting Program, for a Predoctoral trainee
    • Into Postdoctoral Research, for Postdoctoral trainee
  • End Date (when Trainee Left Program)

Faculty Members

1. Click the Expand button Expand button for the Faculty Members panel to display the faculty members for the student on the RTD.

Faculty Members Panel

2. To add faculty, select the Add Faculty button.

NOTE: Up to two faculty members may be associated with a student. If there already two faculty members already listed, then the Add Faculty Member button does not display. To change a faculty member, delete the appropriate one first and then add the new one.

3. Use the parameters on the Search for Person(s) window to find the faculty member. To look outside your institution, uncheck the box titled Search for persons who have a Commons affiliation with my institution.

NOTE: You must enter a Commons ID, Person ID, or Last Name to perform a search.

4. Select the Search Persons button.

Search for Faculty

5. All matching records display in the Person(s) table. Select the Add to RTD check box to add the person to the list of faculty for this student.
6. Click the Add Person(s) button. The faculty member is added to the student details.
7. Search for and add other faculty as necessary, repeating the steps above.

TIP: Once two faculty members are added, the ability to add more is disabled.

8. To remove a faculty member from the Student, select the Remove Faculty MemberRemove Faculty Member button for the faculty member.


1. Click the Expand button Expand button for the Degrees panel to display a list of completed degrees and associated data.

Expanded Degrees panel

The Source of degrees is displayed as xTRACT (meaning that the degree was added or edited to the person in xTRACT) or as Commons Profile (meaning that the degree is from the Commons Personal Profile of the person).

To add a degree:

  1. Select the Add Degree button.
  2. Update the fields in the Create a New Degree pop-up:
    • Degree: Select from the list
    • Other Degree Text: Enter if Degree selected is OTH (other type of degree) or an other category like BOTH, DDOT, DOTH, MDOT, MOTH, and VDOT.
    • Degree Date: Enter in MM/YYYY format
    • Terminal Degree: Select the Yes or No . When Yes is selected, the terminal degree indicator (This is the terminal degree of this person.) displays next to the degree details in the view. Only one degree per person can be set as the Terminal Degree.
    • Degree Status: Select Completed or In Progress, as appropriate
    • Received in Training: Select Yes or No. Up to three degrees can be selected as Received in Training.
    • Degree Institution: Enter the institution name, one institution per degree. Start typing in part of the institution's name and a drop-down menu displays with related institution names. Select the institution name from that menu. If the desired institution name does not appear, a link is provided at the bottom of the drop-down menu that will accept the name of the institution as typed in.
  3. Select the Save button to save the new degree.
  4. Repeat for any additional degrees.
  5. To edit a degree, click the hyperlinked degree name.
  6. To delete a degree, click the Remove Degree buttonRemove Degree button for the degree. Degrees with Commons Profile as a Source cannot be deleted.

Post-Training Positions

1. Click the Expand button Expand button for the Post-Training Positions panel to display post-training position information.

Post-Training Positions panel

The Source of positions is displayed as xTRACT (meaning the position was added or updated for the person in xTRACT) or as Commons Profile (meaning the position is from the Commons Personal Profile of the person).

To add a position:

  1. Click the Add Position button.
  2. Provide the following information:
    • Workforce Sector: Choose the area of employment: Academia, Government, For-Profit, Nonprofit, Other.
    • Principal Activity: Primarily Research, Primarily Teaching, Primarily Clinical, Research-Related, Further Training, or Unrelated to Research.
    • Position: Type the title of the position.
    • Start Date: Type the month/year the position started.
    • End Date: Type the month/year the position ended, or leave blank if employed to present time.
    • Primary Employment Indicator: Select Yes if this is the main employment; otherwise, select No.
    • Full Time Employment Indicator: Select Full-Time or Part-Time
    • Current/Initial Employment Indicator: Select Primary Initial if this is the initial employment for the trainee, or select Primary Current if it is the current employment.
    • Institution: Enter the institution or start typing to see matches to your typed text.
    • Primary Department of Position: Enter the department or start typing to see matches to your typed text. Matches for the selected Institution are shown.
  3. Select the Save button to save the changes.
  4. Repeat to add additional positions.
  5. To edit a position, click the hyperlinked position name.
  6. To delete a position, click the Remove Degree buttonDelete this employment button for the position. Positions with Commons Profile as a Source cannot be deleted.

Subsequent Grants

1. Click the Expand button Expand button for the Subsequent Grants panel to display subsequent fellowship, career development, or research grant support obtained from any source after the individual completed training.

Subsequent Grant panel

Sources of support submitted on the RTD should list the trainee/student in a role such as PD/PI, co-investigator, faculty collaborator, or staff scientist.

NOTE:  xTRACT prepopulates NIH subsequent grant support from xTrain trainee data when available. You cannot delete prepopulated support records from the Subsequent Grants table.

Under NIH and Other Agency Sources of Support on Record, indicate up to five subsequent sources of support to include in the RTD. Each button lets you add a different type of support:

Add Source of Support button: Add grant support received from NIH and other Agency sources that are on record. If you do not know the specific grant, you can indicate support by entering only the activity code and IC.

Add Other Source of Support button: Add sources of grant support received from non-NIH/Agency sources.

2. To edit a source of support, click the hyperlinked grant name to edit it.
3. To delete a source of support, click the Remove Source of Support buttonRemove Source of Support button.
4. Mark up to five Include in RTD checkboxes to specify which sources of support will be included in the RTD, which allows only five sources. Once you mark five checkboxes, you cannot mark a sixth.

Sources of support that you include on the RTD must list the trainee/student in a project role such as PD/PI, co-investigator, faculty collaborator, or staff scientist. If you mark the checkbox of a record with a non-supported project role, an error will occur when you mark the checkbox, which states: "Subsequent support may only be reported if the individual had the following role: PD/PI, Staff Scientist, Faculty, or Co-Investigator."


Click the Expand button Expand button for the Publications panel to display peer-reviewed publications and manuscripts accepted for publication in peer-reviewed journals.

Publications panel

For students/trainees, list all publications resulting from their period of training in the participating faculty member’s laboratory or in association with the current training program, through completion of their degree. Do not list publications resulting from work done prior to entering the training program or arising from research initiated after the completion of the program.

The publications you added appear in a table in the Publications section.

Click the three-dot ellipsis button three-dot ellipsis button and select Edit Publication or Delete Publication to update or remove a publication.

Concept Link IconSee Also