Edit Phase

The Edit Phase is an optional phase enabled at the discretion of the SRO*. During the Edit Phase, reviewers can submit updated critiques for their assigned applications and read critiques posted by themselves and others. Additionally, reviewers can submit critiques for unassigned applications if permitted by the SRO*. As with the other phases, reviewers cannot submit critiques or view critiques if in conflict with the application.

NOTE: Preliminary score submission is not permitted in the Edit Phase after the actual meeting is held (start date of the actual meeting has passed). Criteria scores can be modified in this phase.

TIP: *Other Transaction Authority (OTA) - Some screens and terminology may be different in order to accommodate review of OTA, a type of award that is neither a grant nor a contract but a different way of funding that is used across NIH. These changes will typically not be visible to NIH or agency reviewers.